Oh look cool box

Welcome Box!

An asian girl smiling awkawrdly, sitting down with a sketchpad on her lap. She is sweating profusely as she says, 'sup, didn't see you there.'

Hello curious visitors! This is a small personal website that I'm using to get better at HTML and CSS! Feel free to look around and explore whatever you like! I'll probably update this box from time to time as I change the website. Enjoy!

Update Logs!

2/26/2023, added a simple illustration of myself. :)
P.S, this isn't mobile-friendly yet, but I'll try to work on it in the future!

2/25/2023, just added a simple scrollbar mechanic so that this update log doesn't constantly keep growing. Perhaps I should design the scrollbar to make it look more appealing and fun in the future!
P.S, this isn't mobile-friendly yet, but I'll try to work on it in the future!

2/24/2023, I am on a roll! I just got done finishing the About Me page today! I am unstoppable! For now, I think I'm gonna focus on adding graphics to make this place feel more like home. (maybe look up how to add scrolls via javascript too-)
P.S, this isn't mobile-friendly yet, but I'll try to work on it in the future!

2/23/2023, I just finished making the basic front page of this website. Currently, I have not made the other pages yet but I'm planning to in the future! Stay tuned!
P.S, this isn't mobile-friendly yet, but I'll try to work on it in the future!